Sunday, July 23, 2006

European Union Water Initiative (EUWI)

Dear Khalid Mahmood MP,

I am writing to you to ask that you lobby the British government to call for immediate and radical reform of the European Union Water Initiative (EUWI) which has failed to deliver access to water and sanitation for many people since its inception four years ago.

More than a billion people are still without safe water and 2.6 billion people lack any way to safely dispose of their excrement. Halving the proportion of people without access to safe water would cost $40 billion ($4 billion a year over 10 years) equivalent to a month's spending on bottled water in Europe and the US, but EU aid for water and sanitation has declined to less than 5%.

The European Union Water Initiative is failing because there is no clear line of accountability. only one thing is clear and that this that the Commission needs to take a stronger and more pro-active lead and encourage EU Member States to commit time, energy and funds to the initiative.

I am hoping that you will use your influence and power as a member of the House of Commons to lobby the British government to call for immediate and radical reform of the European Union Water Initiative.

Yours sincerely,
Adam Nazir Ahmed Teladia