Adam Nazir Ahmed Teladia, Your ideal job is a Topless Model
Adam Nazir Teladia, Your ideal job is a Goal Scoring Superstar Hero
Adam Teladia, Your ideal job is a Trained Assassin
Adam, Your ideal job is a Bunjee Jumper
Tony Blair, Your ideal job is a between the hours of 12 and 1pm on days with a W in them
John Prescott, Your ideal job is a Chef
Gordon Brown, Your ideal job is a Nun
Alan Milburn, Your ideal job is a MSP
Peter Hain, Your ideal job is a Professional Hippy
Jack Straw, Your ideal job is a Playing for Aberdeen
David Blunkett, Your ideal job is a Rabbit Slayer
Margaret Beckett, Your ideal job is a … who are you kidding, you work?
Hilary Benn, Your ideal job is a Prostitute
Alan Johnson, Your ideal job is a Superhero
Alistair Darling, Your ideal job is a Traffic Warden
John Reid, Your ideal job is a Housekeeper
Paul Murphy, Your ideal job is a Permanent Temp
Geoff Hoon, Your ideal job is an Emperor of the entire world
Paul Boateng, Your ideal job is a between the hours of 12 and 1pm on days with a W in them
Patricia Hewitt, Your ideal job is an anything where you can kiss ass
Charles Clarke, Your ideal job is a Mime Artist
Tessa Jowell, Your ideal job is a Pirate
Hilary Armstrong, Your ideal job is a God
Ian McCartney, Your ideal job is a Rear End of Panto Cow